Is there a cost for Medicare A to Z’s services?

No, there is zero cost for any of our services. We are compensated by the insurance carriers for our services. The amount of compensation is basically the same from one carrier to the next, so there are no incentives to sell one carriers’ insurance over another. We work for you to make sure you are on the plan that fits you best.

Do I need to sign up for Medicare, or will I be enrolled automatically?

If you signed up for Social Security before age 65 (eligibility for full benefits currently begins at age 66), you will automatically be enrolled in Medicare parts A and B and receive your card three months before your 65th birthday. Part A covers hospitalization and Part B covers outpatient care, such as doctors’ visits; Part B has a monthly premium of $170.10. Everyone else needs to take steps to enroll. Go to www.socialsecurity.gov to sign up anytime starting three months before you turn 65 (your “initial enrollment period”).

I’m still working. Do I need to sign up for Medicare?

If you or your spouse are still working for a firm with 20 or more employees, the employer’s insurance is your primary coverage, and Medicare is secondary. You aren’t required to sign up for Medicare at 65, and you won’t have a late-enrollment penalty if you sign up within eight months of leaving your job. You may decide to delay signing up for Part B. if you work for a company with fewer than 20 employees. Medicare generally becomes your primary coverage at age 65, and you need to sign up for Part A and Part B while you’re still working.  We can help you with this decision.

What’s the penalty for not signing up?

If you do not have creditable health insurance coverage when you turn 65, you may have to pay a late-enrollment penalty of 10% of the Medicare Part B for every year you should have had coverage. The penalty applies if you receive Medicare benefits.  If you don’t have creditable drug coverage at age 65, you may incur a late enrollment, Part D penalty is 1% per month that you don’t sign up.

Can I enroll in a Medicare Part D, Medicare Supplement or Medicare Advantage plan without being enrolled in Original Medicare? 

No. You must be enrolled in Medicare in order to be eligible to enroll in a Medicare Part D plan, Medigap plan, or Medicare Advantage plan. A Medicare Part D prescription drug plan only requires that you be enrolled in Medicare Part A. However, in order to enroll within a Medigap plan or a Medicare Advantage plan, you must first be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.

If I enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medigap plan, do I still have to pay my Medicare Part B premium?

Yes. You will have to pay your monthly Medicare Part B premium to Medicare in addition to any monthly premium you pay for your Medicare Advantage plan or Medigap plan.

More Info

My doctor prescribed an expensive drug and even with my Part D coverage, I have to pay a lot of the cost out of pocket. What can I do to pay less? 

You may ask your doctor if there is a generic “Therapeutic alternative” that cost less on your plan. Using a “preferred” pharmacy can also reduce costs. During Medicare Annual Enrollment, we strongly encourage our clients to have us review their drug cost for the following year.

Can you just simply tell me what the best plan available is?

The “Best Plan for YOU” depends on which plan will suit and fit your needs best.  If you sit with ANY Medicare broker, they should ask you these 5 questions in order to truly guide you to the “Best Plan for YOU”. No matter who you talk to, be SURE they ask you these questions!!

    • Who are your doctors? Are they contracted with this insurance?
    • What are your prescription drugs? The amount of drug cost can change by thousands of dollars from one plan to the next.  Let us help!
    • Do you have any chronic conditions? Diabetes? COPD? Congestive heart failure? There are plans specifically designed for these.
    • What are your travel habits? Are you here in Pima county all year long with only short trips now and again? Do you travel to other areas for months at a time?  This can impact your plan.
    • Are you a permanent resident of Pima County? Medicare plans all across America are sold by the county you live in.  You can lose coverage if you sign up for a plan in the wrong county!  We can help!


Why should I use Medicare A to Z as a broker?

At Medicare A to Z, we have access to all Arizona plans.  Using our services to find an appropriate plan costs you nothing. Not only can we help you find an appropriate plan for you, we will be your advocate during the rest of the year.  Medicare is what we do every single day.

I’m eligible for retiree coverage through my employer, private, state or federal government. Is this coverage better than Medicare?

Tricare, VA, AZ State Retirement plan, Federal Employee Retirement plan, and even some employer retirement health plans have good benefits.  However, AZ State Retirement plan as well as the Federal Employee Retirement plan have a rather high monthly premium for their plans. Some employer retirement insurance plans pay for your premiums on your plan, but most do not. We can help you navigate through the maze of Medicare insurance options.  We have many AZ state and federal retirees as clients. The VA and Tricare coverage can be very good depending on where you get your VA or Tricare services.  One of the great things we do for our Vets, is allow them to have BOTH the VA or Tricare as well as a Medicare plan.  It allows you to greatly expand your doctor and hospital network with very little to no premium costs.  Many Vets use their Medicare plan when a service isn’t covered by the VA or at times when they need to get a second opinion.

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Are you turning 65, or are you already 65?

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